Welcome to The Youth Hub, an incusive children and young people's youth project which prides itself on providing interesting, engaging youth led activities consisting of art, crafts, sport, active play and day trips away. It's a place where children and young people are able to 'hang out' and make new friends. On becoming a member you can join our Youth Forum and decide on what goes on within your Youth Sessions and even the local community. Interested.......then come along to find out more!.......
The Youth Hub runs its sessions at Dawdon Youth and Community Centre and meets on a:
Day Time Activity Age
Thursday 5:00pm - 7:00 pm Youth Hub 7-18
Friday 4:45pm - 6.45 pm Youth Hub 7-11
Friday 7:15pm - 9:15pm Youth Hub 11-18
Sunday 10:00am - 12:00pm Family Hub 3+
To become a member young people or parents are able to access the service by popping into the centre or telephoning Joanne Bowen (Youth and Play Development Manager) on 0191 513 1777.
Live updates regarding sessions are available on The Youth Hub’s Facebook page, where a highly responsive messaging service is also available regarding membership, volunteering, requests and queries.